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Ousmane Dicko: "The Best Business Ideas are Uniqueness and Perseverance"

You don't set up a business just because you're competent in that particular sector, but it's by taking into account the temperature of the country in which you live:  Malta is a country that lives on tourism, and I said to myself, we've got to invest in tourism, so I thought of a travel agency.

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Ousmane Dicko is an Ivorian entrepreneur who has defied the odds by establishing a thriving travel agency in Malta, a country he has called home since 2005.

Arriving as an asylum seeker, Dicko was a computer hardware technician. However, recognising the need to adapt, he pivoted to create Mandela Travel Center in 2015.

By 2019, the business had evolved into Mandela City by Villagers Tours, a travel agency that now caters not only to the African community but also to clients across Europe and Asia. This has been possible thanks to a joint venture with Villagers Tours.

I cannot thank enough my colleagues from Villages Tours who have brought so much to me and to Mandela City. Now I can say that I'm ready to storm Africa with my knowledge, and build there something meaningful and impactful.

Staff members of Mandela City by Villagers Tours, posing for the programme "Empowering Communities". The agency is planning to organise guided tours soon in Ghana. Photo African Media

Mandela City stands out for its personalised services, which include booking flights, obtaining visas, organising guided tours in Europe and Africa, and providing top-up credits for international calls.

These services have allowed the agency to flourish in an era where many traditional travel agencies have been forced to close due to the rise of online booking platforms: When you book your ticket online, you might not know about restrictions or potential issues, but we take care of all that for you,Dicko explains, highlighting the value of his agency’s hands-on approach.

His journey has not been without challenges. His determination to provide unique services has set Mandela City apart, making it a go-to destination for many in Malta:

Creating a business is complicated, especially as a migrant. You need to be innovative, offer something different, and not just copy what others are doing.

Leading a Community

Beyond his entrepreneurial success, Dicko plays a significant role in the Ivorian community in Malta, urging others to be realistic about the challenges of life in Europe.

"Don’t give a fake image of life here, he says. If you have a small amount of money, invest in something better back home. Life in Europe can be difficult, and it’s important to be prepared.

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