Situated on Melita Street in Valletta, the Loop ethical and environmentally-friendly shop sells good quality upcycled clothes (for prices from €5 to €20) and also fairtrade products to benefit people living overseas who are at risk of being exploited.
In this encouraging interview, Elena Zammit from Loop Djakonija Paroċċi shares how the shop is part of a charity network which aims to help people in hard times, who are referred by clergy and other professionals for assistance. A soup kitchen – Kċina ta Marta – prepares 600 meals each week and Ir-Refettrorju serves meals in a space where people who are lonely can meet and get to know others.
Loneliness is another type of hunger, and we all know that there are people out there who are very lonely.”
“You don’t need to be hungry for food,” Elena remarks. "Loneliness is another type of hunger, and we all know that there are people out there who are very lonely." She adds that a meal at Ir-Refettrorju "costs only €3 and guests are referred through a voucher – this is a place for people who would like to come in just to have a meal with someone.”