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Remembrance day.


We join all groups that today have chosen to commemorate the people who loose their lives at sea, while attempting to cross the Mediterranean sea for a better life in Europe.

Europe, a continent that has become a fortress, denying access to those running away from wars, misery and despair.

A continent that is "fencing wealth", leaving out those unworthy of well being,

A place where daily acts of "nano racism" have become the norm, so much so that it is common to hear that an African has been killed, guilty of being African.

No one has ever been held accountable for the lost lives at sea.

From time to time, a smuggler is arrested. But what about the mind of these tragedies?

What about calling on trial Multinationals, those who pollute ecosystems and leave locals with no choice but to abandon their land?

What about calling on trials the collusion between dictators and Multinationals?

What about calling on trial economic agreements (PDF)that deprive young people from hope and future in their homeland?

In 2004, the activist Mamadou Cissokho, member of ROPPA (Network of West African Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers), told the WTO Public Forum : "All countries which developed themselves began by creating the conditions to do it through import protection and only after they open to others. We cannot expect today that Africa be the first example showing that it is by first opening its market that it will develop"

The Economic partnership agreements (FR) in Africa have proven to be a factor of further poverty.

Let's remember those who die at sea, trying to express the natural need, common to all human beings, to seek a better future.

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